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  • Donald Mitchell, Big-Headed People, marker on paper
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  • Donald Mitchell, Yellow People, marker and colored pen on paper
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  • Donald Mitchell, Horses, marker on paper, 1998
    Donald Mitchell’s early works of densely populated drawings of crowds of figures consist of obsessively crosshatched fields of lines that typically cover the whole page. This beautiful image is unusual in that it depicts a dense group of horses, and, less promimently, their riders. The dense animal herd defines the image here.
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  • Donald Mitchell, People in Rows, marker on paper
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  • Donald Mitchell, Yellow People with Writing, work on paper
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  • Donald Mitchell, People in Dark Crowd, marker on paper
    This excellent work on paper by Donald Mitchell illustrates how the artist's trademark is a tightly composed, graphically sophisticated page of crowded figures marching across the illuminated field of his vision.
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USA: Donald Mitchell


African-American self-taught artist Donald Mitchell, born 1951, lives in the San Francisco Bay area. He has spent time in the state hospital system in California and sometimes seems confused and disturbed by hallucinatory voices.

Mitchell 's early work consisted of obsessively crosshatched fields of lines or brush strokes that obliterated the ground and hid the underlying image. He always started with a small face or figure but eventually filled in the field so that these entities were shrouded and lost. In later works Mitchell started to uncover the faces and forms buried in the darkness. His drawings are now filled with figures in motion and repose, and his trademark has become a tightly composed, graphically sophisticated page of crowded figures marching across the now illuminated field of his vision. While earlier works are mostly black and white, he now uses color as well.

Mitchell’s works are included in collections worldwide, such as the Collection de L’Art Brut, Lausanne, and ABCD, Paris.

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